martes, 23 de noviembre de 2010

My travel experience

Hello everyone! Today I will talk about a travel experience. I think that my best travel experience was when I went camping with my family near Temuco.
First, we came to a place called "Conguillio", it is a beautiful place. The "Conguillio National Park" have many "Araucarias" (there is the largest "Araucaria", known as "Mother Araucaria", the lake's water is green and crystalline for the minerals and also adds the view of the volcano, which make this place all a paradise.
Also, the experience in camping is very fun because when we to go in a tent, we can move quickly from one place to another, and of this way meet many beautiful places.
Then of "Conguillio", we toured different places around, because our plan was to follow the "waterfalls" in the sector. Really, the places that I could find are spectaculars, I love the south of the country, when you go on the journey to south, immediately feel the difference with the city. I like the vegetation, lakes, climate, customs, food, everything is very nice.
The best of the travels is that when one returns, one is completely revitalized, for this reason, the travels are good for clearing the mind and recharge for whatever comes.
I love traveling with my family, we always have fun and until the moment we have many experiences and anecdotes that keep us very close.

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