martes, 19 de octubre de 2010


Stress is a condition that implicated specialty the psychology and physical state of a person. Different factors may be responsible for this condition; this can be present in living or working life, as overwork, study, the routines, schedules, excessive travel, family problems, employment problems or a big problem(catastrophe) can be factors symptoms of stress begin to appear. The symptoms are varied, because as I said before the stress involved the physical, psychological and social state, so some of the symptoms may include irritability, hair falls, anxiety, tachycardia, fatigue, increased breathlessness, irregular sleep (insomnia) and irritable colon, among other.

When the stress conditions presented, the body reaction is immediate, but the symptoms can be increased, if the stress lasts for a longer time or other symptoms may appear bringing new complications. The consequences of stress depend of the person; some people have depression after stress and often they feel a big pain in different parts of the body, usually appears in the back and neck. These conditions make them unable to think clearly and are more intolerant.

Actually, is very common that the people have stress, especially people moving in downtown. If this problem continues, the rates of diseases and suicide increase significantly, making it vital to maintain a balance life.

Some solutions to this problem are to reduce the excesses in working hours, avoid being accelerated all the time, take breaks, good food, meet the hours of sleep, among other. The decision will depend of the factor that triggers stress.

miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2010

A healthy lifestyle :o]

Often when we speak of a healthy lifestyle, immediately comes to mind “Healthy food”, a lot of fruits, vegetables, water, etc. It is true that a good diet is a key element in health, but a real healthy lifestyle needs to consider other variables, such as: aerobic activity, stress management, quality and quantity of sleep, suitable environment, among other. It is important to always consider psychological, physical and social factors.
The aerobic activity is very important, because have a lot of effects for the body, such as: increase resistance, weight lost, increase flexibility, decreases stress level, and in general improve the physical ability.
The stress management is fundamental, because can harm the physical condition and the relationship with the people.
The sleep is very necessary so that the body can regain the energy spent, if the quality and quantity of sleep decreased, the body begins to show different symptoms that hinder the healthy lifestyle.
Another important factor is the environment, the ideal would be in a place with low pollution, which has more vegetation and removed from within the city, as is often the bad environment is causing of different diseases.
To define a good lifestyle is important to consider all aspects. If the diet is bad, the physical training will not be as effective, because the body could have energetic disadvantage, or an excess of fat, which would limit a good activity. Moreover, when the people present a stress condition, usually have problems sleeping; therefore they can’t rest completely, this is causing fatigue and cumulative wear throughout the body.
My advice is to enjoy life, but healthy, this would avoid many problems.